Basic Training    Advanced Training    Central-Fixation     E-Books-Free     Paperback  Books    Better Eyesight Magazine - Train Directly From Dr. Bates    Dr. Bates History, Teachers     Pilots - See Clear Naturally     Eyeglasses - 'Reverse Addiction To'    Contact - Phone, Video Chat
FREE 'Do It Yourself' Training for Perfect, Clearer Than 20/20 Eyesight. Correct Myopia, Presbyopia, Astigmatism and Other Eye-Vision Conditions Without Eyeglasses, Surgery
PERFECT SIGHT WITHOUT GLASSES Dr. Bates Original 1920 Book in the Antique Print - FreeSEE BETTER NOW! Perfect Clearer Than 20/20 Vision at all Distances, Close and Far! Quick Easy TrainingCOPYRIGHT, DISCLAIMER, DIRECTIONS
   Ophthalmologist Bates Life History, Natural Eyesight Improvement Experience. AVOID the Harmful 'Plus Lens' Eyeglass Method! Dangers of Laser Cornea Surgery, Most Cataract Surgeries, Contact Lenses.
    Avoid un-natural teachers illegally using our books, website title, videos
CONTACT, Phone, Address - Question Answer Page. Video; Dangers, Blindness, Vision Problems Caused by Cornea Laser Surgery, Contact Lenses.
     AMAZON.COM, Barnes & Noble... CUSTOMERS
20+ FREE Bates Method, Natural Eyesight PDF E-Books; Direct Link to the Download Page. Thank-You For 12 Years Support!BOOKSTORE    Paperback Books by Dr. Ophthalmologist William H. Bates, Emily Lierman,  Other Doctors and  Teachers. Eyecharts, Videos-Free Training.
    EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, Acupressure and Color Breathing...
    View, Description, Directions for, link to 20 FREE Color Natural Eyesight Improvement PDF    E-Books
GOOGLEBOOKS; Natural Eyesight Improvement PAPERBACK and     E-BOOKS. Read 100% Internal Pages BOOKS - Paperback, Kindle. Variety of Natural Eyesight Improvement Books, Training by Different Teachers. Iridology, Breathing, Nutrition, Body Movement and Relaxation Tools, Strengthen the Mind, Spirit... Self-Help. Better Eyesight Magazine, Books by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates.
    Shop at Amazon and Other New and Used Paperback Bookstores 
PINHOLE EYEGLASSES - Pros and Cons, Mostly Cons. AVOID!Vitamins, Minerals.., Eye Health Vitamins; Bilberry, Lutein... Ming Mu Di Huang Wan Ancient Chinese Eye Formula for Healthy Eyes, Body, Liver, Clear Eyesight. Neck Muscle Relaxation. Health BooksTRANSLATOR Convert Website Pages, E-Books to Other Languages. Audio; Hear in English, Spanish... Blind; Listen, Learn Without Reading HISTORY                 The Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement - Best Teachers, Books, Websites, Blogs, Training, variety of Information. 1800's, 1901 to Present Date BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates', Introduction. 132 Issues, July 1919 to June 1930. Original Training, Cures from the Eye Doctor that Discovered Natural Vision Improvement BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE - Entire 132 Issues on One Page or Link to the Main Magazine Website, Individual Monthly Issues. Read, Listen Free on the Internet in any LanguageAUDIOS For the Blind, Low Vision - Better Eyesight Magazine Treatments; Myopia, Presbyopia, Cataract Glaucoma, Retina Health, Strabismus, Astigmatism...Dedication to My Mom Nancy Native American Videos - Natural Life=Clear Sight SKYPE, GOOGLE  Live Video on the Internet - Telephone Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. Student and Group Training  1 - Natural Eyesight Training Starts Here, Page #1 to #40.        MENTAL STRAIN, EYE MUSCLE TENSION CAUSES UNCLEAR EYESIGHT. Dangers of Laser Eye Cornea Surgery, Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses2 - STRONG EYEGLASSES = Addiction, Progressive Vision, Eye Impairment Verses REDUCED, WEAKER, TEMPORARY EYEGLASS LENSES = Vision, Eye Health Improvement.      
    EYEGLASSES    Low Cost Reduced 20/40, 20/50 Weaker Prescription Lenses by Mail & Behavioral Optometrists.
     Pass the Drivers License Eyesight Exam - Practice on the Govt. RMV, DMV... Eyecharts   
3 - HUMAN EYE Function, Anatomy, Light Rays, Cornea, Iris-Pupil, Lens, Retina, Macula, Fovea, Optic Nerve, Eye Muscles...4 - Front View of Eye. Pupil, Iris, Ciliary, Lens, Sclera.., Outer Eye Muscles; Oblique, Recti. THE EYE CHANGES LENGTH LIKE A CAMERA (with the lens) TO FOCUS CLOSE- FAR 5 - DO IT YOURSELF NATURAL EYESIGHT IMPROVEMENT; Practice Shifting and Other Relaxed, Natural, Correct Eye-Vision Functions.
Play with the Moving Pointer to get the Eyes Shifting, Relaxed. Move with the Figure Eight6 - CENTRAL-FIXATION - Central Vision 'Centralizing'. See Clearest with the Center of the Visual Field. Combine With Shifting. The Central Field MOVES as the Eyes, Mind-Attention Move 'Shift'7 - CENTRAL-FIXATION STICK    Use the Gate to Find the Exact Central Field and Move it. Test for Balanced Eyes, Vision 8 - MEMORY AND IMAGINATION Improve the Mind,  Eyesight, Body, Sprit. PALMING, EFT9 - TEN CORRECT, RELAXED, NATURAL VISION HABITS Practice Normal, Eye-Vision 'Visual System' Functions10 - SWITCHING, SHIFTING CLOSE, MIDDLE AND FAR   For Clear Eyesight at All Distances. Bates Method Combined with Behavioral Optometry, Relaxed Eye Exercises11 - SWITCH CLOSE, MIDDLE, FAR ON THE THREE PENS IN A ROW.  THE BEAD (BROCK) STRING12 - WARNING - Avoid Artificial 3-D Fusion Pictures, Repetitive Eye Exercises; 'Autostereograms,  'Magic Eyes' 13 - EYECHARTS TEST AND IMPROVE CLOSE AND DISTANT EYESIGHT
    Eyechart Pictures From Dr. Bates Medical Articles
14 - THE FIGURE EIGHT (Infinity Swing) Left and Right Brain Hemisphere Activation, Integration, Neck, Body Movement, Relaxation15 - THE SWAY, 'Rock', LONG SWING, CROSS CRAWL and Other Movement, Relaxation, Body-Brain Activities For Clear Eyesight16 - THE ILLUSION OF OPPOSITIONAL MOVEMENT-'The Swing'17 - SUNLIGHT, SUNNING. SACCADIC SUNNING With Hands 18 - SACCADIC SUNNING With Tree, Fence, Nosefeather, Swing, Rocking Chair, Oppositional Movement19 - DR. BATES SUNLIGHT TREATMENTS, PICTURES - As Described in Better Eyesight Magazine and Perfect Sight Without Glasses 20 - SUNLIGHT, LIGHT ENERGY TRAVELS INTO THE EYES, OPTIC NERVES, BRAIN, SPINE, BODY, CHAKRAS 'Energy Centers, Pathways' 21 - RELAXATION METHODS;  PALMING, Color Visualization, Breathing, Energy Circulation, Alpha, Theta, Delta Deep Relaxation Chart 22 - COLOR, COLORED LIGHT TREATMENT;  Antique Colored Glass Bottle, Sunlight, Color Changing Angel Lamp for Night-Time 23 - NEAR VISION; Clear Eyesight at  Close Distances. READ IN FULL SPECTRUM SUNLIGHT, FINE PRINT HEALTHY FOR THE EYES - Reading, Seeing Fine and Microscopic Print
Clear. Natural Presbyopia Cure, Prevention. Book
24 - CORRECT, RELAXED NATURAL VISION HABITS CARD For Clear Close and Far Vision. THUMB- FINGER MOVEMENT, 'OPPOSITE SWING'25 - NIGHT VISION     See Clear in Lower light, Moonlight. Cones, Rods in the Retina, Visual Purple 26 - ASTIGMATISM TEST & REMOVAL, CHARTS, SWINGS27 - STRABISMUS Crossed/Wandering Eyes Correction 28 - GOOD POSTURE For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Eye Muscles, Balanced Movement and Clear Eyesight29 - PATH OF LIGHT RAYS AND EYE MUSCLES, NERVES IN THE EYES, BRAIN, BODY.  Chiropractic Treatment Vs. Physical Therapy, Massage.
    CHIROPRACTIC Causes Stroke, Blindness, Death, Paralysis... Videos
30 - PHYSICAL THERAPY - For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Head and Clear Eyesight. Vertebrae C-1 Top of Neck to C-5 Upper Spine 31 - ACUPRESSURE POINTS, MASSAGE Face-Eyes, Head, Neck, Shoulders, Back, Body, Hands, Feet... for Muscle Relaxation,  Balanced, Moving Chi... Energy and Clear Eyesight. EFT 32 - NUTRITION      For Healthy Eyes, Clear Eyesight. Grow Your Own Bilberries, Blackberries, Spinach, Kale, Corn,  Dandelions, Flowers, Carrots... For Healthy Retina, Lens...33 - For Pilots - Aviators - Better Eyesight Magazine.
    Warning; Avoid The Plus Lens-Anti-Corrective Method  
34 - STORIES FROM THE CLINIC by Emily C. A. Lierman, Bates. Dr. Bates Assistant, Wife for Many Years in His New York City Clinic, Offices...35 - THE CURE OF IMPERFECT SIGHT BY TREATMENT WITHOUT GLASSES Dr. Bates Original 1919 Book. And; 'Use Your Own Eyes', 'Normal Sight Without Glasses' by Dr. William B. MacCracken M. D., 'Strengthening The Eyes' by Bernarr MacFadden, W. H. Bates. Optometrist Harold M. Peppard, Monroe Hirsch, O.D. Ph. D.  E-Books, Videos36 - Clark Night - (Mary Iva Oliver)  Natural Eyesight Improvement School, Courses Certificates, Receipts. 1st Book Copyright 1996+ 37 - Clark Night -(Mary Iva Oliver) Drivers Licenses, Family Photos - No Glasses, Proof of Clear Vision. Govt. Directions for Eyesight Test 38 - Blind, Visually Disabled Achieve Independence -  Guide Dog Schools, DAV, Perkins School For The Blind 39 - NEW STUFF! What's Up in the Natural Eyesight Improvement World? Lasik, Contact Lens Warning Videos. Corrupt Teachers, Author's Teaching Incorrect, Harmful Methods, Steal Manuscripts, Hack Honest Teachers Computers, Try to Hide the True Bates Method and Charge High Prices40 - VIDEOS - Natural Vision Improvement and Other Topics GUEST PAGE        Post a Comment,  Ask Questions, State Your Opinion, Share Dr. Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement Experiences.
Other Things, Discussions... BOOK REVIEWS, Comments on, The Best Books, Teachers.                    + How to Avoid Harmful Methods.      +Write a Review of Your Favorite Books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indie, GoodReads...Password page #1 For E-books in Event the Download Page Traffic is Too High Causing Slow ConnectionPassword Page #2 Extra books For Blind Persons That Prefer a Private Page, Special Requests Chiropractors           in Worcester, MA Purposely Misaligning Neck Bones, Spine... in Order to Sell Hundreds of Follow-up Treatment. Causing Paralysis, Stroke, Vision, Hearing Impairment, Stroke, Death    

Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates, English, Spanish, Italian.., Free-Click Here
20 Natural Eyesight Improvement PDF E-Books with Eyecharts, Video, Audio Training and Dr. Bates 11 year Better Eyesight Magazine.
An Entire
Bates Method - Natural Eyesight Course. In Color, Printable. All the books listed below in 20 E-Books including this Entire Website and Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine website; Click Here  The E-Books combine well with the Paperback, Kindle books at Dr. Bates Authors Page, available in any Bookstore. See Clark Night's Amazon Page for the entire description of the books, Dr. Bates History, Biography, pictures and videos. Click the pictures below and see the Google E-Books Page for free on-line books, 100% internal view of the Paperbacks, E-Books, Videos of internal pages, Free Natural Eyesight Training, 7 Books in one PDF, Single E-books, Eyecharts. Move down this page for more links to Free E-books, Videos of Dr. Bates' Book and 2400+ pages of Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine.  Watching videos; open to full screen, set to high clarity using HD button on the lower right.
       Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Original and Modern Bates Method: with Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates (Black and White Version) Ten Steps For Clear Eyesight Without Glasses: A Quick Course  The Basics of Natural Eyesight Improvement - A Little Book For Fast Clear Vision with Better Eyesight Magazine E-BookBetter Eyesight Magazine - July, 1919 to June, 1930 -132 Monthly Issues by Ophthalmologist William Horatio Bates M.D.: Natural Vision Improvement Better Eyesight Magazine Illustrated with 500 Pictures by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates: Natural Vision ImprovementBetter Eyesight Magazine - Original Antique Pages By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Vol. 1 - 73 Issues-July, 1919 to July, 1925: Natural Vision Improvement Better Eyesight Magazine - Original Antique Pages By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Vol. 2 - 59 Issues-August, 1925 to June, 1930: Natural Vision Improvement Better Eyesight Magazine - Original Antique Pages By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Vol. 1 - 62 Issues - July, 1919 to August, 1924: Natural Vision Improvement  Better Eyesight Magazine - Original Antique Pages By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Vol. 2 - 53 Issues-September, 1924 to January, 1929: Natural Vision Improvement  Better Eyesight Magazine - Original Antique Pages By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Vol. 3 - 17 Issues - February, 1929 to June, 1930: with; The Cure Of Imperfect Sight By Treatment Without Glasses - Natural Vision Improvement  The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses-Dr. Bates Original, First Book  Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - Natural Eyesight Improvement, Eye Experiments-How He Did It! Dr. Bates Original 1920 Book in Antique Print - Free on GoogleBooksStories From The Clinic - Original Antique Print 
                EFT, Acupressure, Color Visualization for Natural Eyesight ImprovementSeeing Eyecharts Clear-Natural Vision Improvement for Clear Close, Distant Vision and Astigmatism Removal  Stories From The Clinic By Emily C. A. Lierman, Bates: Natural Vision Improvement Natural Eyesight Improvement Discovered and Taught by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates: PAGE TWO - Better Eyesight Magazine  Natural Eyesight Improvement Discovered and Taught by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates: PAGE TWO - Better Eyesight Magazine  Clear Close Vision-Reading, Seeing Fine Print Clear: Natural Presbyopia Treatment Strengthening The Eyes - A New Course in Scientific Eye Training in 28 Lessons by Bernarr MacFadden and William H. Bates M. D.: with Better Eyesight Magazine   Use Your Own Eyes, Normal Sight Without Glasses and Strengthening The Eyes-Better Eyesight Magazine by William B MacCracken, Bernarr MacFadden and William H. Bates  Use Your Own Eyes, Normal Sight Without Glasses with Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates  Use Your Own Eyes and Normal Sight Without Glasses by William B. MacCracken M. D. with Strengthening The Eyes - A New Course in Scientific Eye Training in 28 Lessons by Bernarr MacFadden-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Kindle Ophthalmologist William H. Bates True Story, Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement History-Kindle   Better Eyesight Magazine -Year 1919 - July-Dec by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Natural Vision Improvement-Kindle  Perfect Sight Without Glasses

Color Paperback or
Lower Price Black & White Versions on Amazon, Barnes and Noble...
Add the E-books to the paperbacks. Print the extra Eyecharts from the E-books and the Eyecharts Website Page

Click Here to go to Navigation Page # 5 for 1st Free Natural Eyesight Improvement Training Lesson on this website.
Then Click Page # 1+ for more chapters, training, eyeglasses info. Use the left < Navigation Bar as a on-line book chapter index.
Click Here to Read Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine, treatments for every eye condition. Or listen with the Speaker.
Click Here for the Audio Page - Blind, Low Vision; Listen to Dr. Bates Treatments here or download to CD.
This entire website, everything; Navigation Chapters, Pictures, Links, PDF Downloads, & more... included in the E-Books.

  Website, book Author Mary I. Oliver (Pen Name-Clark Night) teaching Natural Eyesight Improvement with T-Bear! For kids and Adults.
 Visual Axis, Central Ray                     

Website views best at 100% zoom.
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all images, videos, Amazon... book links.
Website Navigation

GuestPage, Live Training, Video Chat; Click Here

Emily C. Lierman, Bates. Dr. Bates Assistant, Wife in his New York City ClinicOphthalmologist William H. Bates, Pioneer, Discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement
Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement 
Original and Modern Bates Method

Improve the clarity of eyesight to 20/20 and clearer at all distances, close and far with; The Bates Method of Natural Eyesight Improvement discovered and taught by Ophthalmologist William Horatio Bates This website is dedicated to Dr. Bates and Emily C. Lierman (A. Bates). It is written by a Bates Method Natural Eyesight Improvement Graduated Student and Self-Trained Bates Teacher that has kept her eyesight 20/20 and clearer for 45 years using the Bates Method - Original and Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement. The author preserves Dr. Bates and his wife, assistant Emily Bates' books, magazines, medical articles and teaches friends, family, the public how to obtain clear eyesight, healthy eyes. Free Training.  See Author's Certification, 5 Schools, Driver's Licenses-proof of clear eyesight here;
    Free book; Perfect Sight Without Glasses
Free Original and Modern Bates Method and other Bates Method derived Natural Eyesight Improvement lessons with diagrams for fast, easy learning, clear eyesight are posted on this website. See Navigation Page # 1 < for first training starting with the cause (strain, tension, eyeglasses) and correction of unclear eyesight. Or; go directly to the shifting page  and onward from there to central-fixation, relaxation... Move down this page for the main 10+ pages, Bates Method practices. Try to stop use of glasses.
                                              If you need to use glasses to drive, work; see the eyeglasses page to reduce your prescription weaker and weaker, be free of glasses.
Clear Day VisionEye, Visual-Mental Attention Movment. Shifting, Central-Fixations
Blink and Shift For Cear VisionClear Night Vision. Mr Owl says; 'Who Sees Best in the Dark?"  The Eyes Fovea, Macula When There is a Source of Light. First lesson; See the cat. The eyes blink. See the green house; Move 'Shift' the eyes, 'mental-visual attention' part to part on a object and blink,
relax for clear eyesight.
(See navigation page 5.)     Shifting training by Dr. Bates click here; Perfect Sight Without Glasses

Read Ophthalmologist Bates 'True Life Story', discovery and practice of The Bates Method of Natural Eyesight Improvement and his 'Battle with the Optical Industry, Eye Doctors, Surgeons' for the right to practice, teach and preserve Natural Eyesight Improvement for all people on his Better Eyesight Magazine Page ; Dr. Bates original books, 132 magazines are available for free download/printing. Click Here for his On-Line Magazines with Language Translator, Speaker. An Adobe PDF E-Book version and Paperback Illustrated with 500 Pictures and Photos of all Dr. Bates Original Magazine pages attached can be purchased. Better Eyesight is a monthly magazine Dr. Bates wrote, published from 1919 to 1930. The magazines contain true life stories of his patients, their various eye, vision conditions and the many natural treatments, practices Dr. Bates applied without use of eyeglasses, eye surgery, drugs to restore their eyesight to 20/20 and clearer at all distances. Myopia, Presbyopia, Farsight, Astigmatism, Cataracts, Glaucoma and other eye conditions were cured.
                                                                 Read the Bates Method history, Dr. Bates life, books, the best teachers trained by Dr. Bates  (For best webpage view; Click Here)

Color Treatment, Visualization, Relaxation; Active or Deep. Energy Strengtheing, Spritual ProtectionOphthalmologist Bates inspectinig Emily Lierman's EyesMost Eye Doctors, Surgeons, Optical businesses hide the truth about Natural Eyesight Improvement. Eyeglasses, contact lenses are addictive, lead to stronger and stronger eyeglass lens prescriptions, increased blur, astigmatism, cataracts, macula degeneration, detached retina and other eye health, vision impairment. Laser and other cornea eye surgeries cause a variety of vision impairments and many people have developed blindness after the surgery.
    Natural Eyesight Improvement Teachers Must Give Free Training.  Honest teachers will charge a decent price. Choose a teacher carefully. Dishonest Teachers hide-withhold training until a high price is paid. They are secretive about their sources and hide Ophthalmologist Bates Books, Better Eyesight Magazines, Medical Articles; the true source of Natural Eyesight Improvement. There are hundreds of schools, websites, advertising Natural Eyesight, Vision Improvement for about $40.00 to $500.00+ and up to $7000.00 to be Trained, Certified as a Natural Vision Improvement Teacher. Very few provide free, complete, genuine training. A teacher on the east coast of the U.S. in Massachusetts raised her price for my Teacher Training, Certification to $5500.00 stating it may go higher when she realized who I was, that I teach for free, place everything I learn about Natural Eyesight Improvement on this website and in books. A few Graduated Teachers have told me their Teacher Training School content was basically the same as the Student Course.
     Others state they have learned a lot more from a qualified HONEST teacher.  I like Thomas Quackenbush;  Go to his home page; Click the 2 audios for free training. See his books on GoogleBooks. A lot of free pages to view. You can do search in the viewer;
Perfect Sight Without Glasses - Dr. Bates Original 1920 Book in Antique Print - Free on GoogleBooksOphthalmologist Bates Inspecting the Human Eye, Emily Lierman, Boy in Dr. Bates Clinic Sees Unclear with Strain, Clear with RelaxationI understand that teachers must charge a fee to exist as a teacher, pay their bills for housing… but some teachers are becoming as greedy as the Optical, Medical, Drug Industry.  There are teachers that have organized together and are trying to raise the price to be trained as a Bates Method Natural Vision Improvement Teacher to $10,000.00 and up and may be trying to pass laws preventing students, the public from being teachers unless they pay this price. If that law passes, the price will be raised again. This is exactly like the corruption that exists in the Medical Profession, Drug companies. Colleges are corrupt, charging thousands of dollars to be a Doctor, Optician, Optometrist, Ophthalmologist… 30 to 40 thousand dollars for the first year of Optometry College! Only the wealthy can go to college.
It is legal for a mother, father to teach a child to walk, read, learn.
Teaching the Bates Method is a human right.

A person that has clear eyesight, successful Bates Method Natural Eyesight Improvement  experience can teach other people to obtain clear eyesight. Dr. Bates describes in his books, magazines how many patients, (including children) cured of unclear vision teach others to see clear. Many people were trained to be Bates teachers. Read the True Story of the Two Little Girls that Restored a Blind Mans Eyesight'  in the Oct. 1925 Magazine Issue.
 Another article describes how a child cured another child of crossed eyes. Many people that have never been taught the Bates Method begin to use it naturally, an automatic eye, brain function (especially when eyeglasses are avoided) and their eyesight improves because; 'it is the normal, natural function of the eyes.' Removing the eyeglasses, then learning how to Shift, understand Central-Fixation and practice a little Switching is often all that is needed to return the vision to 20/20 and clearer at all distances. Relaxation is a main practice. When eyeglasses are avoided, relaxation occurs automatically. Memory, imagination, all functions of the visual system are perfect as the Bates Method is applied and the eyesight improves. See our YouTube channel for 143 videos-100% Natural Eyesight Improvement training;
Here are the Main Natural Eyesight Practices (Click the # links to go to each page); #1,  #2 #3 #4a,  #4b #5 #6 #7 #8,  #9 #10 #11,  Movement, Posture... are also effective practices.

Sailors have used the Bates Method instinctively to navigate the ocean for hundreds of years. People with clear Eyesight use it all the time.

Clear Eyesight is the Birthright of All People.
Clear Eyesight Improves the Quality of Life.
Daily Sunlight, Relax, Blink, Shifting Eye Movement for Clear Day and Night Vision
The search bar on the bottom of this page is for searching this website for specific vision improvement information. Example; Type in the word 'Nearsight or Myopia' to find natural treatments for unclear distant vision. If the answer is not on the website; do word search in the Adobe Reader PDF E-books;  (The search bar is presently not available.)

Most pictures on this website are drawn by the author. The pictures prove that Natural Eyesight Improvement works! The author is 65 years old and has clear close and distant vision (no eyeglasses). Pictures are drawn by hand, with the eyes 5+ feet away and up to 3,2,1 feet, 10 inches, 6 to 1 inches from the eyes seeing the fine details of pictures clear on paper.  Author, Clark Night was cured of unclear close vision (presbyopia) at age 40 and distant vision improved to clearer than 20/20 in San Francisco, California by Thomas Quackenbush, one of the most skilled Bates Natural Vision Improvement Teachers, author of the book Relearning to See, Improve Your Eyesight Naturally; and the teacher that preserved and brought Dr. Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazine' to the modern public.  Before this time the magazines were destroyed and hidden from the public.  Other Modern Natural Vision Improvement teachers before him did not provide their students with access to Better Eyesight Magazine. Better Eyesight Magazine is the original source of the Bates Method, and true Natural Vision Improvement. See video of his book, my experience in his school here;

The print size for this website is small/medium to enable people with unclear eyesight to see it.  The Bates Method teaches that small and fine print is easier to read, relaxes the mind, eyes, improves central fixation and the clarity of eyesight at close and far distances. Change the print to smaller or larger size using the settings on the Internet server tool bar. 
Text is in a variety of colors. Color improves the function of the brain with the eyes.

For people that are too busy to read this entire website; navigation page - chapter 9 describes the
Ten Correct, Relaxed, Natural Vision Habits.
These are the basic Bates Method activities that produce clear eyesight.  Practice them in a relaxed, easy manner. Correct, Relaxed, Vision Habits are the normal function of the eyes. Practicing Correct Vision Habits 'Shifting, Central-Fixation'... is the act of imitating normal eye, brain (visual System) function that occurs when eyesight is clear. This 'practice' will gently coax the eyes, brain back to correct, normal function. After practice of Correct Vision Habits, the eyes, brain, eye muscles, entire visual system will activate correct vision habits, automatically, subconsciously (without the person thinking about it, without practicing) resulting in clear vision.
Internal Pages; Paperback, Kindle, PDF E-Book
Better Eyesight Magazine

Natural Eyesight Improvement, Correct Vision Habits and other activities on this website are derived from
Ophthalmologist Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazine' (11 years, 132 monthly issues), his books & Original, Modern Bates Teachers training, classes.

Click the pictures for Free Natural Eyesight Improvement Training Videos. 100 YouTube Videos. Videos show the internal Paperback, Kindle & PDF E-book chapters, pages for 'Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method' and other books. All videos provide training steps for clear eyesight, guide you though the book chapters.


 Ophthalmologist William H. Bates & The Bates Method History - Natural Eyesight Improvement, Better Eyesight Magazine - Free Sample - Click Here

Warning; Avoid Un-natural Methods. Directions... - Click Here

Better Eyesight Magazine Article by Dr. Bates - Click Here

Books For Sale, Free;
See Clear Without Eyeglasses. Stop Addiction to Stronger and Stronger Prescriptions!E-Books, paperbacks on this website: The new 'Do It Yourself' way to publish. No expensive publishers, printers, bar-codes, shipping, no censorship by governments, corporations, businesses... My publisher does it all free!  Click Here for the E-Books Page.
The reader can view the website/books on computer, laptop, other compact electronic devices without Internet connection and the E-Book moves fast, better than highest speed Internet, no waiting for pages, pictures to appear. Carry the book on a disk or in your pocket on a tiny computer chip disk, view it on any local library computer. Print the book by computer/printer, or bring the book on disk to a professional printer and specify all or some pages to be printed, binding, color...  Reading on computer screens is not healthy for the eyes. Read on real paper in the sunlight.  
    Bookmarks and page thumbnails are included on the left side of the E-books for; chapter, sub-chapter, title navigation. Word search tool functions throughout the E-Book including the website section and Better Eyesight magazines, all books attached. See the E-Book videos above for directions on using 'word search' and other tools in the E-Book. Example; Type in the word nearsight or myopia - the book will show a list of 50+ different treatments to cure unclear distant vision. Click a link to go directly to a chapter, page.
Watch the E-Books Page for new editions,
methods, pictures. New pictures, practices added to this website are placed in the new book editions.   

    Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines contain hundreds of different natural treatments he and his clinic assistant, wife Emily Lierman/Bates and other eye doctors applied to cure; unclear distant and close vision (myopia/nearsight, farsight), astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, cornea scars, wandering/crossed eyes, and other eye problems.
Dr. Bates discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement over 100 years ago in the 1800's.
    The Optical and Medical Industry destroyed Dr. Bates books, magazines after his death in an attempt to hide the truth about Natural Eyesight Improvement from the public.
he Optical, Medical Industry prefers to sell eyeglasses, dangerous cornea laser eye surgery, other eye operations and drugs. They continue to suppress the Bates Method. They bribed dishonest politicians to pass laws preventing all people from teaching Natural Eyesight Improvement.
    Due to Modern interest in Natural Cures, Dr. Bates magazines, books, work has been recovered from individual owners and brought back to the public.

Author Clark Night's Training is derived from 5 different Original and Modern Bates Method Natural Eyesight Improvement courses, study of 50+ Natural Eyesight, optometry, ophthalmology, natural healing, movement and other books.
38 years of study, successful application. Started the Bates Method in Tantasqua high School, 1974.
This website keeps Free Natural Eyesight Improvement available to the public. Part of the profits from book sales, donations are given to help the blind, visually disabled, Guide Dog Schools for the Blind, Disabled Military Vets, Perkins School for the Blind, Pet shelters for animal eye... injuries, adoptions.  See page 38.
     Receipts for donations are posted on the page and Clark Night (Mary I. Oliver), is on the donations list for these organizations.

Pictures on this website are drawn by author Clark Night. 10% from Microsoft free clip art. Text on this website is in a variety of colors. Color activates and integrates the left and right brain hemispheres, improves mood, activates different positive emotions, energy levels and improves the clarity of vision at all distances and balances the vision in the left, right eyes. See palming and color treatment chapters in the books and on the website.
     The words eyesight and vision basically mean the same thing. Vision is used at times pertaining to the entire visual system; eyes, eye muscles, nerves, brain, body, thoughts, emotions, spirit.

The reader of this website/book, Natural Eyesight Improvement student must get routine eye exams to check the health of the eyes. An eye doctor can also determine a lot about the health of the body by looking into the eyes. Choose a Bates Method Behavioral Optometrist, Ophthalmologist that prefers to teach Natural Eyesight Improvement, discontinue use of eyeglasses, keep the eyes healthy and prevent use of eye surgery, drugs. Check iridology; detecting the state of health by the condition of the eye's iris.
Avoid eye doctors selling laser and other eye cornea surgeries, unnecessary lens removal, surgery, eyeglasses (especially strong over-corrected eyeglass lenses, astigmatism and bifocal prescriptions), contact lenses, mono-vision lenses, tinted, colored lenses, sunglasses and all forms of eyeglasses. See the eyeglasses page; Here and Here

The author of this website and the book; Do it Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement must place a disclaimer on this website, book to protect herself from lawsuits, imprisonment, closing of this website by the medical/drug/optical industry, corrupt politicians, fraudulent vision improvement teachers that attempt to prevent the public from acquiring free, authentic, Natural Eyesight Improvement training;

Copyright, Disclaimer;
The author, publisher, (Clark Night, Mary Iva Oliver,,, Clearsight Publishing Co.) is not responsible for the readers use, misuse, misunderstanding of the information on this website, in my books, videos and the GuestPage. The author does not claim/promise to diagnose, treat, cure eye problems, disease. I am not  a doctor. The websites, books, videos, GuestPage consist solely of Educational Information for improving the clarity of vision and health/function of the eyes along with communication, eyes, vision and prescription monitoring by your eye doctor. Always obtain a eye exam by a Ophthalmologist and medical exam by a Medical Doctor. Directions - Click Here

COPYRIGHT Â© 1996, SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 and to Present Date. Clark Night -,, Clearsight Publishing Co. - Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight Improvement; All rights reserved. The author/publisher of this website allows people to copy, print the information on this website and give it FREE to the public. People may distribute the e-books free to organizations for the blind and other persons that need eyesight improvement. The author/publisher does not allow the information on this website, my e-books, videos, pictures to be sold or used to sell other products, services. I do not allow people to place it on their websites for download or to advertise for download from their or their affiliate's websites. This is due the fact that some people alter the books, add unnatural, incorrect training or use them for deceptive means. I do not allow, endorse this action.   I advise the public to obtain the training, e-books, pictures, videos solely from this (my) website and my, Dr. Bates' Paperback, Kindle publishers.
Read entire information in a PDF on the main Copyright, Directions, Disclaimer page;

Play With the Moving Pointer to Get the Eyes Shifting, Relaxed For Clear Vision. Shift on the Green House - Click Here

Click the links below for free Books. The books are older versions but the basics are provided;

Guestbook, Comments - Question/Answer Page - Click Here


All Seeing Eye-Spritual Protection - 'Blink and Shift'The eye in the pyramid on this webpage; Some people say it’s a symbol of corrupt big business, politicians, power used for evil. My use for it is the true old source; Ancient Egypt, sprit world, great power used for good, spiritual growth, staying with heaven's forces. The 3rd eye, higher chakra and other sprit, energy/power development practice. Using the inner vision, memory, imagination. (Working on a blinking eye.)

This website views best at 100% zoom; and  Monitor size also changes the page layout. Resize the window for very small or very large screen monitors. This shows correct text size, picture position, animations, pages move faster... Pages view differently in various browsers. Pictures are large MB size for best clarity. Google Chrome opens the pictures fast. Test it with the acupressure pictures; Click Here  For slow computers; convert the webpages to PDF for fast view, download of all text, pictures, videos, PDF's and links. Use Google or other free webpage PDF converters. Choose one that has the newest video embed function.)

Hits Counter shows website visitors since 2007. (I lost the old counter, so using this date picture for now);  Last hits counter - Oct., 2016


Dr. Bates Original Antique Better Eyesight Magazine

Better Eyesight - July,  1919          

Better Eyesight page 2-3


Better Eyesight Magazine is 100% Free View on GoogleBooks!; Volume 1  Volume 2  and  With 500 Pictures

The Origin of Natural Eyesight Improvement From the Original Eye Doctor That Discovered & Taught The Bates Method 

In Paperback;
Volume 1  Volume 2  and  With 500 Pictures

All Books Free on this website in Color PDF E-Books; Click Here


The GoogleBooks Viewer below shows 132 pages of Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine 'PAGE TWO' consisting of the best of his Natural Eyesight Practices.
The PDF E-book links above provide a book copy of this website with more pictures, training and all books magazines by Dr. Bates.



All pages may be viewed at one time or 1, 2 pages like a book on GoogleBooks. Click the link on the bottom of this viewer above ^ < to go to Google



Books in Paperback;


Website Navigation and Free Bates Method Training Video (click 1080p HD clarity);



Better Eyesight - March 1920      Better Eyesight Magazine


Better Eyesight - May 1925         



   Dr. Bates, 17 Free E-Books   

   Ophthalmologist Bates Inspecting the Refraction of Light Rays in the Eye


Ophthalmologist William H. Bates' Amazon Author page
 Doctor Bates Amazon Page, Books, Videos...




This website (with more training, pictures) is in Color Paperback, Kindle, Google Play books;

WARNING; AVOID Unnatural, Harmful Eyesight Methods, False Eyesight Teachers; Ortho-K, Artificial 3-D (Abnormal Fusion-Magical Eyes Pictures), Plus Lens/Anti-Corrective Method, Pinhole Glasses...
Many peoples' vision-eye health has been harmed by unnatural methods. The unnatural teachers then send the person to their affiliate eye doctors for more unnatural methods, eye surgery, glasses. AVOID THEM!
See the picture below, a new
YouTube video  and new Copyright-Disclaimer-Directions-Warnings pdf with more pictures (online soon);  (This information will protect you, help you detect and avoid the unnatural methods, teachers, book authors.)  The unnatural teachers are recently banning together paying wealthy marketing/advertising companies to do video, movie documentaries, fake positive 5 star reviews, comments, likes. Most all of the teachers in the movies endorse-affiliate each other and sell unnatural, harmful methods. Their innocent injured students keep calling my office/school asking for help, hoping I can repair the damage the unnatural teachers’ methods have caused; double vision, strabismus, dizziness, blur, astigmatism, sprained eye muscles, detached retina, vitreous, dry eye, neck misalignment... MANY Problems! I try my best to help these victims of abuse. It happened to me many years ago. Please AVOID Unnatural/Harmful Eyesight Methods, False Teachers. See the pictures and video;





website security
Questions or Comments? Contact us at; Clearsight Publishing Co. Click here for Google Map, Office... Google Business Website;
For Natural Eyesight Improvement help, contact us by Phone; 1-781-629-3903
Revere Beach, Worcester, So. Boston, Massachusetts, South San Francisco and San Francisco, CA 
CLEARSIGHT PUBLISHING CO. - DO IT YOURSELF - NATURAL EYESIGHT IMPROVEMENT &  are Duplicate Websites. Created to Preserve the Bates Method, Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine, Natural Eyesight Improvement on the Internet. Paid up before I retire for 50+ Years! (People in my will inherit the website, business.) This precaution was done after we were attacked by hackers 'competing authors, teachers' trying to shut down/stop publishing of this website, Ophthalmologist Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine website, free GoogleBooks, his and other Natural Eyesight Improvement-Bates Method teachers, authors' books, websites, discussion groups and publishing companies. Competitors try to sell Dr. Bates' Method for a high price. SiteLock and other defense protects this website.  Notice; I no longer do E-mail, Skype, Forums due to competing authors, teachers hacking my computer, abuse, taping the training and reselling it... Our services are strictly for people who truly want to improve their eyesight naturally and to learn the TRUE Bates Method. When I have time; I certify people to teach the Bates Method, but it must be with a in person test to be sure you know the method well, have improved your eyesight. People are trained by our books, website, videos, phone help. To learn the Bates Method; Start by studying the
Copyright, Directions, Disclaimer page. It also teaches how to detect/avoid unnatural-harmful methods, teachers. Read Dr. Bates' books and Better Eyesight Magazine 3 times. Imagine you are doing the practices he describes. And do them. My books (Clark Night) contain pictures and more descriptions, examples of Dr. Bates' Method. Also see the 4 books pages on this website for many Natural Eyesight/Vision teachers, books I endorse and the History page;


or many years people that have improved their vision by training on this website and our YouTube channel have sent thank you gifts, handmade cards by children and adults, and money by check or cash.
This kept the school functioning, new books, videos created and preserved Dr. Bates, Emily and other teachers' antique books, eyecharts, items during times when I was almost homeless. This is greatly appreciated.
The cards, gifts are an inspiration-to keep working! Part of the money received is given to the Veterans, Seniors, Guide Dog Schools, anyone who is in need of help. For money; it is easiest to use these payment methods;

Or; Pay with Paypal directly from their website;  Send payment to;
This site  The Web 

Pictures below are Dr. Ophthalmologist William H. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine; The ORIGINAL - TRUE - SAFE - HEALTHY Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement Method; 



This website was created with HostGator. My old web server reduced file uploads to 20 MB and then lost my websites! 7 years of work! I was lucky to find HostGator. I used a special FREE software, 'Dreamweaver Alternative' to download my old website straight from the Internet, without entering the old server, before they lost the website, (Old server refused to allow me to download to Dreamweaver and transfer to HostGator.) I was lucky, like heaven was watching over me (Dr. Bates' books) about a week before the server lost the site. With a few clicks my website was uploaded to HostGator with help from their technician 'for free!' He was polite and trained me easily. I also notice that I do not have problems with billing, technicians not understanding English. At my old server they use a software that changes the person's voice so it sounds like they are from the south, are English speaking but they are not. This results in many mistakes. My website was almost permanently lost by the old server. One guy out of about 16 techs, billing... was finally able to restore it but pictures, text were damaged. HostGator technicians are smart, answer all questions quickly by phone or chat. There are 3 departments; Chat, Phone and E-mail. HostGator has FTP, full functions, animations, video, WordPress, slideshows, Chat, Forums... HostGator has high TB storage, 2 types of backup, security, virus/hacker protection, and other tools. I am new to website construction but learning fast. In 7 years at my old server I 'was not taught' how to build an entertaining website that is easy to read, visual and navigation friendly. No one taught FTP, Dreamweaver... HostGator has training videos, pages, chat, phone. Website can be paid 3 years ahead.
Thank you HostGator! You saved my business and free Natural Vision Improvement on-line training!

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