BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates (Natural Vision Improvement) 132 Magazines-Index; Year, Month,
Article...LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR - Prints and Speaks Better Eyesight Magazine in Italian, Spanish... any languageCopyright, Disclaimer - Introduction, Directions, Video, Dedication to Ophthalmologist William H. Bates, Dr.
Bates Biography, Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement History.FREE Original, Antique Un-Edited Better Eyesight Magazine. BOOKS - Paperback, E-Books - This Entire Better Eyesight Magazine
Website and 14 Natural Eyesight Improvement Books2 Books; The Cure Of Imperfect Sight By Treatment Without Glasses and Perfect Sight Without Glasses by Ophthalmologist William
H. Bates M.D.Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman, BatesUse Your Own Eyes & Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCrackenStrengthening The Eyes - A New Course In Scientific Eye Training By Bernarr MacFadden, W. H. BatesMedical Articles By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Natural Eyesight ImprovementSee Clear Naturally - See Better, Clearer than 20/20 Without GlassesBetter Eyesight Magazine all 132 Issues, Years, Months, Articles... on 1 Page - Free PDF Book SamplesNatural Vision Improvement VideosGuestBook - Contact, Questions, Comments, Discussions - Bates Method - Natural Vision ImprovementYear 1919 - Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept.., 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov, 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1919Year 1920 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1920Year 1921 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1921Year 1922 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1922Year 1923 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - April., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1923Year 1924 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug, 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1924Year 1925 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1925Year 1926 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1926Year 1927 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1927Year 1928 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1928Year 1929 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1929Year 1930 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1930 - Final Magazine Issue
September 1919
The Flashing Cure - Vision and Education - The Doctor's Story - Lying a Cause of Myopia - Cured in Fifteen
A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF IMPERFECT SIGHT WITHOUT GLASSES September, 1919 THE FLASHING CURE Do you read imperfectly? Can you observe then that when you look
at the first word, or the first letter, of a sentence you do not see best where you are looking; that you see other words,
or other letters, just as well as or better than the ones you are looking at? Do you observe also that the harder you try
to see the worse you see? Now close your eyes and rest them, remembering some color, like black or white, that you can
remember perfectly. Keep them closed until they feel rested, or until the feeling of strain has been completely relieved.
Now open them and look at the first word or letter of a sentence for a fraction of a second. If you have been able to relax,
partially or completely, you will have a flash of improved or clear vision, and the area seen best will be smaller. After
opening the eyes for this fraction of a second, close them again quickly, still remembering the color, and keep them closed
until they again feel rested. Then again open them for a fraction of a second. Continue this alternate resting of the eyes
and flashing of the letters for a time, and you may soon find that you can keep your eyes open longer than a fraction of a
second without losing the improved vision. If your trouble is with distant instead of near vision, use the same method
with distant letters. In this way you can demonstrate for yourself the fundamental principles of the cure of imperfect
sight by treatment without glasses. If you fail, ask someone with perfect sight to help you. When
looking at a letter: shift on it part to part. Blink. The letter remains clear. Shift dot to dot (part to part) on the
Poor sight is admitted to be one of the most fruitful causes of retardation
in the schools. It is estimated1 that it may reasonably be held responsible for a quarter of the habitually "left-backs,"
and it is commonly assumed that all this might be prevented by suitable glasses. There is much more involved in defective
vision, however, than mere inability to see the blackboard, or to use the eyes without pain or discomfort. Defective vision
is the result of an abnormal condition of the mind, and when the mind is in an abnormal condition it is obvious that none
of the processes of education can be conducted with advantage. By putting glasses upon a child we may, in some cases, neutralize
the effect of this condition upon the eyes and by making the patient more comfortable may improve his mental faculties to
some extent, but we do not alter fundamentally the condition of the mind and by confirming it in a bad habit we may make it
worse. It can easily be demonstrated that among the faculties of the mind which are impaired when the vision is impaired
is the memory; and as a large part of the educational process consists of storing the mind with facts, and all the other mental
processes depend upon one's knowledge of facts, it is easy to see how little is accomplished by merely putting glasses on
a child that has "trouble with its eyes." The extraordinary memory of primitive people has been attributed to the
fact that owing to the absence of any convenient means of making written records they had to depend upon their memories, which
were strengthened accordingly; but in view of the known facts about the relation of memory to eyesight it is more reasonable
to suppose that the retentive memory of primitive man was due to the same cause as his keen vision, namely, a mind at rest. The primitive memory as well as primitive keenness of vision have been found among civilized people, and if the necessary
tests had been made it would doubtless have been found that they always occur together, as they did in a case which recently
came under my observation. The subject was a child of ten with such marvelous eyesight that she could see the moons
of Jupiter with the naked eye, a fact which was demonstrated by her drawing a diagram of these satellites which exactly corresponded
to the diagrams made by persons who had used a telescope. Her memory was equally remarkable. She could recite the whole content
of a book after reading it, as Lord Macauley is said to have done, and she learned more Latin in a few days without a teacher
than her sister who had six diopters of myopia had been able to do in several years. She remembered five years afterward what
she ate at a restaurant, she recalled the name of the waiter, the number of the building and the street in which it stood.
She also remembered what she wore on this occasion and what every one else in the party wore. The same was true of every other
event which had awakened her interest in any way, and it was a favorite amusement in her family to ask her what the menu had
been and what people had worn on particular occasions. When the sight of two persons is different it has been found that
their memories differ in exactly the same degree. Two sisters, one of whom had only ordinary good vision, indicated by the
formula 20/20, while the other had 20/10, found that the time it took them to learn eight verses of a poem varied in almost
exactly the same ratio as their sight. The one whose vision was 20/10 learned eight verses of the poem in fifteen minutes,
while the one whose vision was only 20/20 required thirty-one minutes to do the same thing. After palming the one with ordinary
vision learned eight more verses in twenty-one minutes, while the one with 20/10 was only able to reduce her time by two minutes,
a variation clearly within the limits of error. In other words, the mind of the latter being already in a normal or nearly
normal condition, she could not improve it appreciably by palming, while the former whose mind was under a strain was able
to gain relaxation, and hence improve her memory, by this means. When the two eyes of the same person are different a
corresponding difference in the memory has been noted according to whether both eyes were open, or the better eye closed.
A patient with normal vision in the right eye and half-normal vision in the left when looking at the Snellen test card with
both eyes open could remember a period for twenty seconds continuously, but could remember it only ten seconds when the better
eye was closed. A patient with half-normal vision in the right eye and one-quarter normal in the left could remember a period
for twelve seconds with both eyes open and only six seconds with better eye closed. A third patient with normal sight in the
right eye and vision of one-tenth in the left could remember a period twelve seconds with both eyes open and only two seconds
when the better eye was closed. In other words if the right eye is better than the left the memory is better when the right
eye is open than when only the left eye is open. Under the present educational system there is a constant effort to compel
the children to remember. These efforts always fail. They spoil both the memory and the sight. The memory cannot be forced
any more than the vision can be forced. We remember without effort, just as we see without effort, and the harder we try to
remember or see the less we are able to do so. The sort of things we remember are the things that interest us, and the
reason children have difficulty in learning their lessons is because they are bored by them. For the same reason, among others,
their eyesight becomes impaired, boredom being a condition of mental strain in which it is impossible for the eye to function
normally. Some of the various kinds of compulsion now employed in the educational process may have the effect of awakening
interest. Betty Smith's interest in winning a prize, for instance, or in merely getting ahead of Johnny Jones, may have the
effect of rousing her interest in lessons that have hitherto bored her, and this interest may develop into a genuine interest
in the acquisition of knowledge; but this cannot be said of the various fear incentives still so largely employed by teachers.
These, on the contrary, have the effect, usually, of completely paralyzing minds already benumbed by lack of interest, and
the effect upon the vision is equally disastrous. The fundamental reason, both for poor memory and poor eyesight in school
children, in short, is our irrational and unnatural educational system. Montessori has taught us that it is only when children
are interested that they can learn. It is equally true that it is only when they are interested that they can see. This fact
was strikingly illustrated in the case of one of the two pairs of sisters mentioned above. Phebe, of the keen eyes, who could
recite whole books if she happened to be interested in them, disliked mathematics and anatomy extremely, and not only could
not learn them but became myopic when they were presented to her mind. She could read letters a quarter of an inch high at
twenty feet in a poor light, but when asked to read figures one to two inches high in a good light at ten feet she miscalled
half of them. When asked to tell how much 2 and 3 made, she said "4," before finally deciding on "5";
and all the time she was occupied with this disagreeable subject the retinoscope showed that she was myopic. When I asked
her to look into my eye with the ophthalmoscope she could see nothing, although a much lower degree of visual acuity is required
to note the details of the interior of the eye than to see the moons of Jupiter. Short-sighted Isabel, on the contrary,
had a passion for mathematics and anatomy, and excelled in those subjects. She learned to use the ophthalmoscope as easily
as Phebe had learned Latin. Almost immediately she saw the optic nerve, and noted that the center was whiter than the periphery.
She saw the light-colored lines, the arteries; and the darker ones, the veins; and she saw the light streaks on the blood-vessels.
Some specialists never become able to do this, and no one could do it without normal vision. Isabel's vision, therefore, must
have been temporarily normal when she did it. Her vision for figures, although not normal, was better than for letters. In both these cases the ability to learn and the ability to see went hand in hand with interest. Phebe could read a photographic
reduction of the Bible and recite what she had read verbatim, she could see the moons of Jupiter and draw a diagram of them
afterwards, because she was interested in these things; but she could not see the interior of the eye, nor see figures even
half as well as she saw letters, because these things bored her. When, however, it was suggested to her that it would be a
good joke to surprise her teachers, who were always reproaching her for her backwardness in mathematics, by taking a high
mark in a coming examination, her interest in the subject awakened and she contrived to learn enough to get seventy-eight
per cent. In Isabel's case letters were antagonistic. She was not interested in most of the subjects with which they dealt
and, therefore, she was backward in those subjects and had become habitually myopic. But when asked to look at objects which
aroused an intense interest her vision became normal. When one is not interested, in short, one's mind is not under control,
and without mental control one can neither learn nor see. Not only the memory but all other mental faculties are improved
when the eyesight becomes normal. It is a common experience with patients cured of defective sight to find that their ability
to do their work has improved. The teacher whose letter was quoted in the first issue of BETTER EYESIGHT testified that
after gaining perfect eyesight she "knew better how to get at the minds of the pupils, was "more direct, more definite,
less diffused, less vague," possessed, in fact, "central fixation of the mind." In another letter she said,
"The better my eyesight becomes the greater is my ambition. On the days when my sight is best I have the greatest anxiety
to do things." Another teacher reports that one of her pupils used to sit doing nothing all day long and apparently
was not interested in anything. After the test card was introduced into the classroom and his sight improved, he became anxious
to learn, and speedily developed into one of the best students in the class. In other words his eyes and his mind became normal
together. A bookkeeper nearly seventy years of age who
had worn glasses for forty years found after he had gained perfect sight without glasses that he could work more rapidly and
accurately and with less fatigue than ever in his life before. During busy seasons, or when short of help, he has worked for
some weeks at a time from 7 a. m, until 11 p. m., and he reports that he felt less tired at night after he was through than
he did in the morning when he started. Previously, although he had done more work than any other man in the office, it always
tired him very much. He also noticed an improvement in his temper. Having been so long in the office and knowing so much more
about the business than his fellow employees, he was frequently appealed to for advice. These interruptions, before his sight
became normal, were very annoying to him and often caused him to lose his temper. Afterward, however, they caused him no irritation
whatever. In the case of another patient whose story is given elsewhere symptoms of insanity were relieved when the vision
became normal. From all these facts it will be seen that the problems of vision are far more intimately associated with
the problems of education than we had supposed, and that they can by no means be solved by putting concave, or convex, or
astigmatic lenses before the eyes of the children. THE DOCTOR'S STORY
of the most striking cases of the relation of mind to vision that ever came to my attention was that of a physician whose
mental troubles, at one time so serious that they suggested to him the idea that he might be going insane, were completely
relieved when his sight became normal. He had been seen by many eye and nerve specialists before he came to me and consulted
me at last, not because he had any faith in my methods, but because nothing else seemed to be left for him to do. He brought
with him quite a collection of glasses prescribed by different men, no two of them being alike. He had worn glasses, he told
me, for many months at a time without benefit and then he had left them off and had been apparently no worse. Outdoor life
had also failed to help him. On the advice of some prominent neurologists he had even given up his practice for a couple of
years to spend the time upon a ranch, but the vacation had done him no good. I examined his eyes and found no organic
defects and no error of refraction. Yet his vision with each eye was only three-fourths of the normal, and he suffered from
double vision and all sorts of unpleasant symptoms. He used to see people standing on their heads, and little devils dancing
on the tops of the high buildings. He also had other illusions too numerous to mention in a short paper. At night his sight
was so bad that he had difficulty in finding his way about, and when walking along a country road he believed that he saw
better when he turned his eyes far to one side and viewed the road with the side of the retina instead of with the center.
At variable intervals, without warning and without loss of consciousness, he had attacks of blindness. These caused him great
uneasiness, for he, was a surgeon with a large and lucrative practice, and he feared that he might have an attack while operating. His memory was very poor. He could not remember the color of the eyes of any member of his family, although he had seen
them all daily for years. Neither could he recall the color of his house, the number of rooms on the different floors, or
other details. The faces and names of patients and friends he recalled with difficulty, or not at all. His treatment
proved to be very difficult, chiefly because he had an infinite number of erroneous ideas about physiological optics in general
and his own case in particular and insisted that all these should be discussed; while these discussions were going on he received
no benefit. Every day for hours at a time over a long period he talked and argued. Never have I met a person whose logic was
so wonderful, so apparently unanswerable, and yet so utterly wrong. His eccentric fixation was of such high degree that
when he looked at a point forty-five degrees to one side of the big C on the Snellen test card, he saw the letter just as
black as when he looked directly at it. The strain to do this was terrific, and produced much astigmatism; but the patient
was unconscious of it, and could not be convinced that there was anything abnormal in the symptom. If he saw the letter at
all, he argued, he must see it as black as it really was, because he was not color-blind. Finally he became able to look away
from one of the smaller letters on the card and see it worse than when he looked directly at it. It took eight or nine months
to accomplish this, but when it had been done the patient said that it seemed as if a great burden had been lifted from his
mind. He experienced a wonderful feeling of rest and relaxation throughout his whole body. When asked to remember black
with his eyes closed and covered he said he could not do so, and he saw every color but the black which one ought normally
to see when the optic nerve is not subject to the stimulus of light. He had, however, been an enthusiastic football player
at college, and he found at last that he could remember a black football. I asked him to imagine that this football had been
thrown into the sea and that it was being carried outward by the tide, becoming constantly smaller but no less black. This
he was able to do, and the strain floated with the football, until, by the time the latter had been reduced to the size of
a period in a newspaper, it was entirely gone. The relief continued as long as he remembered the black spot, but as he could
not remember it all the time, I suggested another method of gaining permanent relief. This was to make his sight voluntarily
worse, a plan against which he protested with considerable emphasis. "Good heavens!" he said, "Is not
my sight bad enough without making it worse." After a week of argument, however, he consented to try the method,
and the result was extremely satisfactory. After he had learned to see two or more lights where there was only one, by straining
to see a point above the light while still trying to see the light as well as when looking directly at it, he became able
to avoid the unconscious strain that had produced his double and multiple vision and was not troubled by these superfluous
images any more. In a similar manner other illusions were prevented. One of the last illusions to disappear was his belief
that an effort was required to remember black. His logic on this point was overwhelming, but after many demonstrations he
was convinced that no effort was required to let go, and when he realized this, both his vision and his mental condition immediately
improved. He finally became able to read 20/10 or more, and although more than fifty-five years of age, he also read
diamond type at from six to twenty-four inches. His night blindness was relieved, his attacks of day blindness ceased, and
he told me the color of the eyes of his wife and children. One day he said to me: "Doctor, I thank you for what
you have done for my sight; but no words can express the gratitude I feel for what you have done for my mind." Some
years later he called with his heart full of gratitude, because there had been no relapse. LYING A CAUSE OF MYOPIA
I may claim to have discovered the fact that telling lies is bad for the eyes. Whatever bearing this
circumstance may have upon the universality of defects of vision, it can easily be demonstrated that it is impossible to say
what is not true, even with no intent to deceive, or even to imagine a falsehood, without producing an error of refraction. If a patient can read all the small letters on the bottom line of the test card, and either deliberately or carelessly miscalls
any of them, the retinoscope will indicate an error of refraction. In numerous cases patients have been asked to state their
ages incorrectly, or to try to imagine that they were a year older, or a year younger, than they actually were, and in every
case when they did this the retinoscope indicated an error of refraction. A patient twenty-five years old had no error of
refraction when he looked at a blank wall without trying to see; but if he said he was twenty-six, or if someone else said
he was twenty-six, or if he tried to imagine that he was twenty-six, he became myopic. The same thing happened when he stated
or tried to imagine that he was twenty-four. When he stated or remembered the truth his vision was normal, but when he stated
or imagined an error he had an error of refraction. Two little girl patients arrived one after the other one day, and
the first accused the second of having stopped at Huyler's for an ice-cream soda, which she had been instructed not to do,
being somewhat too much addicted to sweets. The second denied the charge, and the first, who had used the retinoscope and
knew what it did to people who told lies, said: "Do take the retinoscope and find out." "I followed
the suggestion, and having thrown the light into the second child's eyes, I asked: "Did you go to Huyler's?" "Yes," was the response, and the retinoscope indicated no error of refraction. "Did you have an ice-cream
soda?" "No," Said the child; but the tell-tale shadow moved in a direction opposite to that of the mirror,
showing that she had become myopic and was not telling the truth. The child blushed when I told her this and acknowledged
that the retinoscope was right, for she had heard of the ways of the uncanny instrument before and did not know what
else it might do to her if she said anything more that was not true. The fact is that it requires an effort to state
what is not true, and this effort always results in a deviation from the normal in the refraction of the eye. So sensitive
is the test that if the subject, whether his vision is ordinarily normal, or not, pronounces the initials of his name correctly
while looking at a blank surface without trying to see, there will be no error of refraction; but if he miscalls one initial,
even without any consciousness of effort, and with full knowledge that he is deceiving no one, myopia will be produced. CURED IN FIFTEEN MINUTES
Patients often ask how long it takes to be cured. The answer is that it takes
only as long as it takes to relax. If this can be done in five minutes, the patient is cured in five minutes, no matter how
great the degree of his error of refraction, or how long its duration. All persons with errors of refraction are able to relax
in a few seconds under certain conditions, but to gain permanent relaxation usually requires considerable time. Some persons,
however, are able to get it very quickly. These quick cures are very rare, except in the case of children under twelve; but
they do occur, and I believe the time is coming when it will be possible to cure everyone quickly. It is only a question of
accumulating more facts and presenting them in such a way that the patient can grasp them quickly. A very remarkable
case of a quick cure was that of a man of fifty-five who had worn glasses for thirty years for distant vision and ten years
for reading, and whose distant vision at the time he consulted me was 20/200. When he looked at the Snellen test card
the letters appeared grey to him instead of black. He was told that they were black, and the fact was demonstrated by bringing
the card close to him. His attention was also called to the fact that the small letters were just as black as the large ones.
He was then directed to close and cover his eyes with the palms of his hands, shutting out all the light. When he did this
he saw a perfect black, indicating that he had secured perfect relaxation and that the optic nerve and visual centers of the
brain were not disturbed. While his eyes were still closed he was asked: "Do you think that you can remember with
your eyes open the perfect black that you now see?" "Yes," he answered, "I know I can," When
he opened his eyes, however, his memory of the black was imperfect, and though able to read the large letters, he could not
read the small ones. A second time he was told to close and cover his eyes, and again he saw a perfect black. When he opened
them he was able to retain complete control of his memory, and so was able to read the whole card. This was ten minutes after
he entered the office. Diamond type was now given him to read, but the letters looked grey to him, and he could not distinguish
them. Neither could he remember black when he was looking at them, because in order to see them grey he had to strain, and
in order to remember black he would have had to relax, and he could not do both at the same time. He was told that the letters
were perfectly black, and when he looked away from them he was able to remember them black. When he looked back he still remembered
them black, and was able to read them with normal vision at twelve inches. This took five minutes, making the whole time in
the office fifteen minutes. The cure was permanent, the patient not only retaining what he had gained, but continuing to improve
his sight, by daily reading of fine print and the Snellen test card, till it became almost telescopic. September, 1919 1 -School Health News, published by the Department of Health of New York
City, February, 1919.
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