BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates (Natural Vision Improvement) 132 Magazines-Index; Year, Month,
Article...LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR - Prints and Speaks Better Eyesight Magazine in Italian, Spanish... any languageCopyright, Disclaimer - Introduction, Directions, Video, Dedication to Ophthalmologist William H. Bates, Dr.
Bates Biography, Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement History.FREE Original, Antique Un-Edited Better Eyesight Magazine. BOOKS - Paperback, E-Books - This Entire Better Eyesight Magazine
Website and 14 Natural Eyesight Improvement Books2 Books; The Cure Of Imperfect Sight By Treatment Without Glasses and Perfect Sight Without Glasses by Ophthalmologist William
H. Bates M.D.Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman, BatesUse Your Own Eyes & Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCrackenStrengthening The Eyes - A New Course In Scientific Eye Training By Bernarr MacFadden, W. H. BatesMedical Articles By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Natural Eyesight ImprovementSee Clear Naturally - See Better, Clearer than 20/20 Without GlassesBetter Eyesight Magazine all 132 Issues, Years, Months, Articles... on 1 Page - Free PDF Book SamplesNatural Vision Improvement VideosGuestBook - Contact, Questions, Comments, Discussions - Bates Method - Natural Vision ImprovementYear 1919 - Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept.., 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov, 1919Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1919Year 1920 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1920Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1920Year 1921 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1921Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1921Year 1922 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1922Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1922Year 1923 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - April., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1923Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1923Year 1924 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug, 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1924Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1924Year 1925 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1925Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1925Year 1926 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1926Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1926Year 1927 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1927Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1927Year 1928 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1928Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1928Year 1929 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - July, 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Aug., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Sept., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Oct., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Nov., 1929Better Eyesight Magazine - Dec., 1929Year 1930 - Better Eyesight Magazine - Jan., 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - Feb., 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - Mar., 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - Apr., 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - May, 1930Better Eyesight Magazine - June, 1930 - Final Magazine Issue
– Treatment – Case Reports - Stories From The Clinic; 111. Eye Injuries by Emily A. Bates
1929 Shifting When the normal eye has normal sight it is at rest and when it is at rest
it is always moving or shifting. Shifting may be done consciously with improvement in the vision, or it may be done unconsciously
with impaired vision.
Shifting can be practiced correctly and incorrectly.
+A wrong way to shift
is to turn the head to the right while the eyes are turned to the left, or to turn the head to the left while the eyes are
turned to the right.
+Correct way = Eyes, head/face, body move together, synchronized,
at the same time, in the same
To improve imperfect sight by shifting, it is well to move the head and eyes so far away that the first letter
or object imagined is too far away to be seen at all clearly. Shifting from small letters to large letters alternately may
be a greater benefit than shifting from one small letter to another small letter. Quite frequently the vision is decidedly
improved by shifting continuously from one side of a small letter to the other side, while the letter is imagined to be moving
in the opposite direction. When the shifting is slow, short, and easy, the best results in the improvement in the vision are
obtained. The eye also moves quick, very fast (Saccadic) and this occurs automatically.
Any attempt to stop the shifting always lowers the vision. The letter or other object which appeared to move is usually shifting
a short distance – one half or one quarter of an inch. It is not possible to imagine any particular letter or other
object stationary for a longer time than one minute. Strain, blur begins when the eyes have not
moved after a fraction of a second to one second. While the patient is seated, benefit can be obtained from shifting,
but even more benefit can be obtained when the shifting is practiced while the patient is standing and moving the head and
shoulders, in fact the whole body, a very short distance from side to side. (The Sway, Rock)
Shifting the whole body makes it easier to shift a short distance and may explain why this method is best.
is easy to see letters on a eyechart clear when shifting easily on the letters while doing the sway a short distance left
and right. Blink, sway, relax. Treatment By W. H. Bates, M.D. Vision is largely associated with the activity of the mind. The memory,
imagination, must be nearly perfect for the vision to be nearly perfect. When the memory is imperfect, the imagination and
sight are always imperfect. There are no exceptions.
In MYOPIA, or short sight,
(unclear distant vision) the eyeball is elongated. Myopia can be produced by a stare, concentration, or an effort to
see distant objects. When all objects are regarded with an effort to see more than two parts perfectly at the same time, myopia
is always produced. (Shift from part to part, seeing one part at a time perfect, clearest produces clear
vision) To do the wrong thing, a strain or effort is made. The greater the strain, the more imperfect becomes the vision.
To do the wrong thing requires much trouble, hard work, and a useless effort. The production of myopia is not easy. Rather
it is difficult. This truth, when demonstrated by the patient, is important. It demonstrates the cause of myopia and when
the cause of myopia is known, treatment can usually be suggested which helps in the cure. The production of improved
or perfect sight is easy. Rest or the absence of strain is helpful in obtaining normal vision. When the sight is normal,
the eye is at rest. Any effort to improve the sight is wrong, always fails, and the vision soon becomes less. Perfect sight
is easy and is not benefited by strong efforts to improve the sight. Myopia is cured by the efforts which are not made, rather
than by strong efforts to see. Most people with myopia are not conscious of the stare, strain, or effort. Persons with normal
sight are often able successfully to demonstrate the existence of strain in myopia and to suggest successful methods of treatment
for the prevention of strain. One method of treatment has been practiced consciously, continuously, and successfully,
namely: “Make the sight worse by a strong effort to stare.” The imperfect sight of myopia does not come easily
by staring. When it does come the patient feels a manifest strain in his head and all his nerves. By alternately producing
the stare consciously and unconsciously he realizes the harm it can produce. He becomes acquainted with the stare. By practice,
he becomes able to produce it to any extent and at all times. Imperfect sight is difficult and normal or improved sight
is easy and enables most people with myopia to obtain a cure in a very short time. It should be known that high degrees of
myopia are not always easy to produce. It is a truth that quick cures of myopia can only be obtained by persons who have the
ability to make the myopia worse. Some statistics on the production of myopia in school children and others show that
10 percent of the population are myopic, 80 percent have imperfect sight from other causes, and 10 percent have normal sight.
Some statistics state that 50 percent of the population of China and about the same percentage in Japan have acquired myopia
by improper use of their eyes. What is improper use of the eyes, and what is known of the cause of myopia in these countries?
They are a book-reading people to such a slight extent that we need not consider the use of books in the daily life of the
Chinese. No one can say that the Chinese have acquired imperfect sight from reading. The characters of the books that they
do possess are very large compared to our print and that used in other countries. Many writers have stated that fine print
is a strain on the eyesight, and is the cause of myopia; the Chinese use very large print and there is no nation in the world
that has so much myopia! Large print instead of being a rest to the eyes is a great strain. Some years
ago, a prominent ophthalmologist of Cleveland was told to introduce in the public schools books printed in very large type.
After a short time, the teachers complained to the authorities that the large print hurt the eyes of the children and increased
the production of myopia and made so much trouble that they requested that the new books be discarded and books with finer
print be used again. This is offered as evidence that myopia does not result from the reading of fine print. Fine print, instead
of being the cause of nearsightedness, is the best preventative that one can use. One should not stare at the letters of fine
print, but rather, he should take a break and look at the white spaces between the lines, look to other objects, then, when the eyes are relaxed, look back to the fine print. Blink, relax, shift on/along
the words or through the center of the words as the sentences are read. Look at the white spaces or distant objects to rest
the eyes, then back to the print. In this way the print is seen without strain. The Snellen test card can be used
in various ways to improve the vision. The best distance of the card from the patient is variable. Some patients with a high
degree of myopia will improve more when the card is read at a short distance, five feet or less. Other patients prefer to
have the test card at a greater distance from their eyes and they improve their vision more when they practice with the card
at a long distance off - twenty-five, thirty, or, forty feet. The optimum distance of the card from the patient is the distance
at which the best results are obtained. To imagine the card to be moving, when held in front of the patient, who at the same
time sways from side to side, is usually beneficial. After a little practice, when the patient sways from side to side, the
card may be imagined to be moving about four to six inches from side to side. If the card seems to sway a very short distance
or not at all, it usually means that the patient is staring, straining, or trying to see. One should avoid looking directly
at the Snellen test card, because then the movement of the card becomes uncertain or disappears altogether. A long movement
of the card from side to side can be shortened with an improvement in the vision. When the patient stands with the feet about
one foot apart and sways from side to side, without looking directly at the card, the letters may be seen to move in the same
or in the opposite direction. The correct result is for the letters to move opposite – ‘oppositional
movement’. If a object is in front of the card, closer to you, the card, letters appear to move with, in the same direction
as the eyes, head, body. The shorter the sway, the shorter the oppositional movement. Sometimes practice with
the card will be followed by double or multiple vision, due to the fact that the patient stares, strains, and makes an effort
to see the letters. For example, one patient saw one line of letters multiplied two or three times. This would not have occurred
if the patient had imagined the card moving slightly from side to side, and had not tried to see the letters. Palming, when
practiced successfully, has relieved many cases of double vision. Some letters, objects appear double,
triple as the blur and any underlying astigmatism is removed and the brain, eye muscles relax, left and right brain hemispheres
work together, correct with eyes, eye muscles. Some patients, when they palm, see flashes of light and all the
colors of the spectrum, without at any time seeing black. It is strange to hear patients complain of the numerous objects
they remember or imagine when they palm. Thinking of pleasant things has helped some people to palm more successfully. The
memory of imperfect sight is a strain and should not be practiced when palming. The length of time that patients can palm
with benefit is widely variable. Some patients have gone to sleep while palming and when they awakened in the morning they
were still palming, with their hand covering their eyes, with the result that their vision was very much improved. Others
obtain more benefit from palming for short periods of time at frequent intervals.
The Thin White Line If
one can imagine a thin white line below letters of the test card or beneath a line of fine print it is very helpful. This
thin white line is only imagined, it is not seen, because the line is not really there. It is valuable in the treatment and
cure of presbyopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism and many cases of myopia. It is well to imagine it in the right way. The wrong
way is to try to imagine the thin white line and the black letters at the same time. This is a strain which always blurs the
black letters and prevents the thin white line from being imagined. It is actually seen, it appears
and is a beneficial illusion. Many patients complain that they have difficulty in imagining the thin white line.
To overcome this, one should imagine it just below some word or collection of words which are known. The line is then readily
imagined and it can be imagined extending from one side of the page to the other, and wherever it becomes manifest the vision
is always improved. One can read rapidly, clearly, and without discomfort, when he is conscious of the thin white line, but
to fix the black letters and expect to read them is a mistake which very few teachers or students have observed. The fact
that one cannot read properly when looking at the black letters should be more widely known. Much time has been lost in the
class room by teachers trying to force the children to look directly at the blackness of the black letters. When black letters
are regarded and seen best, much pain, discomfort, or imperfect sight is experienced: If staring, squinting,
effort, diffusion to see the letters clear is used. One cannot be sure when imagining the thin white line that
the eyes are directed toward it. When one plans to look at the thin white line and while trying to read something feels discomfort
or pain, it means that the eyes are not directed on the thin white line as the reader may imagine.
writing about the white spaces, thin white line is a bit confusing. Modern teachers state; to see a letter, object clear;
look directly at it. I believe Bates means for the person to be able to see the thin white line by looking directly at it,
shifting back and forth from the letters to the white line, to the letters again… To shift to the black letters, look
directly at them, move the eyes (visual attention) on the letters to read, see them clear. No staring at the white line/spaces, no staring at
the letters. Let the eyes shift, move, blink, relax. Modern teachers have removed many of Bates paragraphs concerning
the white spaces and thin white line. They are left in this book so the reader can obtain Dr. Bates original work. In other issues of Better Eyesight Magazine Dr. Bates gives these modern directions. The blue print
on this website is by Clark Night
to explain Modern versions of the methods. Just remember; when you want to see the thin white line or white spaces; look
directly at them. ‘Central Fixation.’ Shift on them. If you want to see/read the black letters; look directly
at the black letters. ‘Central fixation.’ Shift, move the eyes along the sentence. The white spaces and line
will also appear in the peripheral field when reading the black print in the center of the visual field and when shifting
from sentence to sentence, spaces to words, words to spaces. The white line, white glow also appears around blue, green
and other colored letters and on other colored paper/backgrounds. See the white glow on the blue sky above mountains,
trees. Shift back and forth on the mountains, trees and sky and see the glow flash. The glow can also be seen around a person,
especially the head. It can be different colors. Scientists, religions state a aura, energy field can appear. It is well for each patient to test his ability to concentrate, stare at
on one point of a large letter or of a small letter. In less than a minute the patient suffers fatigue, pain, imperfect sight.
When concentration causes trouble, common sense would suggest that the concentration be avoided. Shift
from point to point for clear vision. Most cases of imperfect sight are cured by relaxation - relaxation of the
mind, relaxation of the nerves of the head and of all other parts of the body. The importance of the control of relaxation
is very great, because most diseases of the eyes are caused by the stare or strain and cannot be cured until the stare or
strain is relieved. Case Reports A girl, twelve years of age, was brought to the office by her mother who
complained that her daughter was suffering from a high degree of progressive myopia, and that her glasses had to be changed
quite frequently because of this fact. She said that she did not want to buy any more glasses because each pair had to be
changed after a few months. When I tested her glasses, I found that she was wearing Concave 12 D.S. After she had been under
treatment for some time, her mother said that the girl did not see the Snellen test card, but that she committed it to memory.
To satisfy the mother and to obtain some facts, I showed the daughter a strange card. Although it was placed more than fifteen
feet away, she read every letter correctly, much to the surprise of the mother. When the daughter was asked how she did
it, all she said was ''Starch.'' The mother asked her why she answered so queerly. Then I told the mother that I had trained
the girl to improve her sight by the use of a perfect imagination or memory. When she remembered or imagined things perfectly
she always had perfect sight. She must have remembered the starch perfectly white in order to become able by the memory of
starch to see the letters on the strange card perfectly. The mother then said to me: "I wish you would speak to her about
the way she goes downstairs; she runs down three steps at a time and I am very much afraid that she will stumble and hurt
herself.'' I spoke to the girl about this and she told me that while she was going downstairs, three steps at a time, she
remembered a piece of white starch. The memory of the starch gave her a perfect balance so that she was always certain of
the steps that she took. The memory of starch or a white handkerchief freshly laundered has helped other people to improve
their vision immediately. A man, aged 51, had worn glasses for hypermetropia and for reading for 20 years. Without glasses
his vision at fifteen feet was 15/200. He was told to imagine a thin white line between the white spaces of the Fundamental
card. In about five minutes the patient became able to remember or imagine a thin white line when regarding the white spaces
between the lines of black letters. By repetition and some patience he became able to read diamond type at six inches. After
this was accomplished, his vision for distance became normal and he read the bottom line without trouble at fifteen feet. Eye Injuries
By Emily A. Bates It is not always easy to treat a case where the sight has become impaired through an accident or
injury to the eye. I have in mind particularly two patients who came to me recently, and who at one time had had normal vision. One was a young man, 23 years of age, who had been to several doctors for treatment during a period of ten years, and as
he explained his case to me, I realized how despondent he was, fearing that he would go blind completely. He was thirteen
years of age when he was taken on a long automobile trip, at which time the accident occurred. Being far away from civilization,
it was some time before he was able to receive medical aid, and during that time his vision became very poor in both eyes.
Some of the occupants of the car were instantly killed. He was found pinned under the overturned car, some days after the
accident and after he had recovered consciousness he found that he could not see well. His head had been cut very badly and
the doctors feared that internal injuries on his head and other parts of his body would prove fatal, and for a time it was
thought that he would lose his mind as well as his sight. When he came to me, there was a scar on his forehead directly over
each eye, but otherwise he showed no outward signs of injury. He had received a different kind of treatment from every
doctor who had treated him with the result that he did not go blind entirely. He got along very well with the aid of glasses
for a time and then cataract began to form in each eye. An operation was advised but the boy refused to submit to this. Friends
cared for him and helped him with his education but his sight was too poor to aid him in doing any kind of work which would
require the use of his eyes. He stopped going to doctors for help because each one who had treated him advised an operation
for the removal of cataract, with the exception of the last doctor who had given him medical treatment. This doctor knows
Dr. Bates very well and has from time to time cured headaches and other pain by the Bates method, although he is not an eye
specialist. At the advice of this doctor, the boy came to me for treatment while I was in the West. The cataract could
easily be seen by the naked eye, but there was a small spot about the size of the head of a pin in the retina which was clear.
Not being allowed to use my retinoscope in California, in the absence of a doctor, I asked him to bring me a written statement
from a specialist who had given him a thorough examination of his eyes. He replied that he had already been to one and explained
that the doctor had said that there was no hope of his ever regaining his sight. He gave me a written report from a few of
the doctors who had examined him and each one had given him a different diagnosis, but all of them said there was no hope
of his ever seeing again, unless he submitted to an operation, which would probably be useless. Sometimes I have to spend
a considerable amount of time convincing a patient that I can really help him, if he can have enough confidence in what I
am able to do, but this young man did not need any explanation, for I seemed to be his last hope. He did not ask me for an
opinion, but just came at the advice of his family physician. He felt that I really could help him if there were any chance
at all. I placed a large test card five feet from his eyes. I thought I would use the black card with white letters first,
because this card seems easier for the partially blind patient, or those patients who have diseases of the eye, such as glaucoma,
atrophy of the optic nerve, and so forth. Before I placed the card in position at five feet I had told him to close his eyes
to rest them because all the while he had been in my presence, he stared hard to see me and seldom blinked his eyes. I placed
the test card with the blank side of the test card facing him. There was only a plain white surface to look at and I was hoping
that he would see it as it really was. When he opened his eyes, at my suggestion, he was waiting for me to tell him what to
do while he looked at the blank side of this card. I asked him if he could see any letters on the card and he said, “No,
it seems like a blank white paper.” I was pleased that he saw the card as it really was, without my telling him.
I told him to close his eyes immediately and while his eyes were closed, I turned the card right side up. I told him to open
his eyes and tell me what he saw. He was able to read three lines of the test card immediately. I encouraged him then and
told him that if he were willing to sacrifice his time that I surely would give him my time to help him to improve the little
vision he had. After he palmed and improved his memory by reciting history, which was his favorite subject at school,
he read the card again for me, and this time his vision improved to 5/30. I gave him a test card to practice with at home
and told him to report to me in a few days’ time. Seven months later he came again for treatment. His eyes looked
much better and his face showed signs of relaxation, which were absent at his first visit. I tested his sight again with the
same black card with white letters and his vision had improved to 5/20. He reported that he had practiced two hours in the
morning and two hours in the evening every day since his first visit. He remembered what I had said to him about blinking
his eyes consciously all the time in order to avoid the stare which made the cataract worse. I placed him by a window
and told him to look across the street where there was a large sign with letters that looked to be about three feet in height.
He said he could not read any signs from the window. I gave him a fine print card to hold in his hand and he looked at the
white spaces below the lines of black type that were on the small card. I told him to look at the white spaces and then to
close his eyes and to imagine the white whiter than he saw it on the card. He did this alternately for about five minutes
and when he looked out of the window to where this large sign was, he began to see the letters one by one by quickly looking
away, after seeing each letter as I directed him, and taking the sun treatment as he stood by the window, which I thought
would help him. Without giving him notice, I told him to turn around with his back to the light and to look at the test card
which was five feet away, and he read another line of the test card at 5/15. I gave him the Fundamental card to read,
but all he could see was sentence Number 1 and the words “Fundamentals by W. H. Bates, M.D.” All the rest of the
card was a blur to him. He knew there were words on the card, but he could not distinguish them. Not far away from my
office there was a public park where he would sit for hours at a time to take sun treatment. The warmth of the western sun
is the most healing thing in the world in cases where the sun is helpful. I can prove it by this particular case, because
the next time my patient came, he was able to read the whole of the Fundamental card up to sentence Number 15, which is in
diamond type. He did not read it immediately as one with normal sight would have done, but with many hours of patience on
my part and with the aid of the sun-glass treatment in between times he finally read it. Sometime later he came for another
treatment and this time he read the microscopic type I gave him, which is a reproduction of that contained in the small Bible.
He read this type at nine inches from his eyes. I then tested his sight for the large test card and his vision had improved
to 7/20, and later 7/15 by palming and the long swing. He left the West for other parts and I did not see him again but
I received a letter sometime later, saying that he was still practicing with the test card and also with the fine type every
day. After that, however, I lost track of him. There is not much satisfaction in treating a case like that unless we can cure
it, but I hope that wherever he is that he is still keeping up with the Bates treatment and receiving benefit. At any rate,
I was very much encouraged to know that the Bates Method helped when all else failed, and that I was able to improve his vision,
instead of saying as others had said to him that there was no more hope. The other case which was interesting to me was a young man, twenty years old, who had started to wear glasses
at the age of ten years. He had been playing with some boys near a building that was being torn down and without realizing
it the boys were playing near a section of a wall which was about to come down. It finally did tumble down and buried them
under a mass of debris. The boy’s glasses were broken and the right eye was severely injured, having been cut by the
broken glass. His father was a physician and he took him to various eye specialists in the hope that the left eye could
be saved. For some time the left eye was discharging and he almost lost the sight of it. With medical treatment and care the
discharge ceased and apparently there seemed to be nothing wrong with his left eye. He strained terribly in daylight, but
at night he had very little trouble in seeing things. Since the accident he had acquired the habit of turning his head to
one side and squeezing the lids of his right eye together tightly, in order to see with the left. Before I tested his
sight with the test card he told me that there was a dead nerve in the left eye which was caused by the injury to the right
eye—at least he was told by the eye specialists that this was so. After the accident he said that he had had an attack
of malaria, and then keratitis settled in both eyes. At the age of fifteen he suffered a great deal of pain in his right eye
and was treated for iritis. After listening to all he had to say, I tested his sight. He could only see the large letter
“C” of the test card at six inches from his right eye. Everything else was a blank to him. His vision with the
left eye was 15/20, and all the letters were clear and black. In order to read with the left eye, he turned his head to one
side. I told him to palm and reminded him that he must not remove his hands from his eyes while I was talking to him. I told
him that no matter what the diagnosis was or how bad his sight was that he could at least see something on the test card with
his right eye and that I did not believe that there was anything radically wrong with his left eye. If there were, he could
not have seen the 20 line letters of the card at fifteen feet. I gave him some sun treatment after he had palmed a little
while and then told him to palm again before I tested his sight the second time. I felt that it was necessary for him to close
his eyes and palm after being in the bright sunlight. This poor fellow had quite a story to tell me and I had a strong
desire to become better acquainted with him and help him in other ways besides improving his sight. He was not a nice looking
boy and neither was he clean. He did not wear a coat or vest and he had no hat with him when he came. His shoes were soiled
and much worn and he looked as though he had not received much affection or care for a long time. He was short in his answers
and when he looked at me, he would just look for a moment and then look away. I told him that I believed that he was far away
from his home, but that he was not the only one, and that I was three thousand miles away from my home too. While he
was palming, I noticed a tear drop on the front of his shirt and then I encouraged him to tell me all about everything that
was on his mind. I told him I wanted to be his friend if he would let me. He told me that he was sad and lonely too and that
his family no longer cared about him. He said that it was his own fault, of course, but a strict father whose confidence he
never had made it hard for him to live at home. He said that he did not know what was the matter with him, but that he could
never hold a job for any length of time. He knew there was something wrong with him but he did not know how to become better
and he had no one to guide him. I asked him if he had a home somewhere and he said “Yes.” He said that a
distant relative had befriended him and given him a place to sleep. What I had to say to him that day helped, I know, because
the next time he came his shoes were cleaned, his top shirt had been washed and ironed and his face and hands were clean.
We became friends after that and up to the last week of my stay in the West, I helped him with his sight and in other ways.
As his vision improved, he obtained a position in an office which paid him a fair salary. Every day he arose early in the
morning to practice with the test card and before retiring at night he practiced again. During the day he remembered what
I had advised him to do with the small pocket test card and microscopic type. He practiced the long swing and palming which
always helped to improve his sight, and on the last day I saw him his right eye had improved to the 50 line of the test card,
as he held the card at two feet from his eyes. His left eye improved to 12/10 which is more than normal vision. I have
had no further report from this patient, but I am confident that he has not forgotten what to do to avoid the loss of vision
in his right eye. If this patient I have written about reads this article, he will know who I mean. I hope that if at
any time he visits New York he will come to see me if he needs more help for his eyes.
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